Crime Prevention and Safety

Bowdoin College is a 安全的校园. 不伦瑞克是一个 安全的城市. 缅因州是 安全的国家. Still, crime does happen here.

group-hands-1Violent crime at Bowdoin is exceedingly rare; property crimes like theft are more common. No college is a crime-free utopia. Most crimes are crimes of opportunity that are easily prevented with simple common sense and calm awareness.

Together, with the common good in mind, we can create a safe community by reporting suspicious activity and caring for the well being of others. Bowdoin does everything it reasonably can to create a safe environment, but ultimately you are responsible for your personal safety. Although campus safety is a community responsibility, your personal safety is largely determined by the choices you make.

Personal and Residential Safety Tips


College campus personal safety is essential for ensuring a safe and secure environment for students, 教师, 和工作人员. Here is some guidance to help individuals stay safe at Bowdoin:

  1. Stay Aware of Your Surroundings: Be always mindful of your surroundings, especially when walking alone or in unfamiliar areas. Avoid distractions like using your phone or wearing head手机, as they can make you more vulnerable.
  2. 组团旅游: Whenever possible, walk with friends or in groups, especially at night or in secluded areas. There is safety in numbers, and potential attackers are less likely to target a group.
  3. Use Well-Lit Pathways: Stick to well-lit and high-traffic pathways, and avoid poorly lit or isolated areas, especially during the night.
  4. Know Campus Resources: Familiarize yourself with campus safety resources, such as campus security, 十大靠谱网投平台航天飞机, 紧急电话亭, and counseling services. Save important contact numbers, including campus security and local law enforcement, in your phone. Remember to download the Bowdoin SAFE app.
  5. Secure Your Belongings: Keep your personal belongings, 包括笔记本电脑, 手机, 和包, secured and within sight or reach at all times. Lock your dorm or apartment doors/windows when you leave, even if it's just for a short time. Lock your bicycle to a bike rack.
  6. Stay Informed during Emergencies: Pay attention to emergency alerts and notifications from the College. Familiarize yourself with evacuation routes and safety protocols.
  7. Practice Responsible Drinking: If you choose to drink, do so responsibly and know your limits. Avoid accepting drinks from strangers, and never leave your drink unattended.
  8. Utilize Campus Escorts and Safe Routes: Take advantage of campus security escort services or use safe routes on and off campus, especially during late hours.
  9. Trustworthy Roommate and Friend Selection: Choose roommates and friends wisely and ensure you can trust them with personal information and belongings.
  10. Report Suspicious Activity: If you witness or experience any suspicious or criminal behavior, report it immediately to campus security (207-725-3500) or local law enforcement (911). Don't hesitate to report safety concerns to campus authorities.
  11. Practice Cybersecurity: Be cautious with personal information online and on social media platforms. Use strong and unique passwords for online accounts.
  12. Self-Defense and Bystander Intervention: Consider taking self-defense classes to increase your confidence and ability to protect yourself if needed. Learn about bystander intervention and be prepared to assist others in potentially dangerous situations.
  13. Follow Campus Safety Guidelines: Abide by campus safety guidelines and policies. Attend orientation sessions and safety workshops to understand specific campus safety protocols.
  14. 相信你的直觉: If a situation feels uncomfortable or unsafe, trust your instincts and take action to protect yourself. Seek help or remove yourself from the situation if necessary.

Remember, campus safety is a shared responsibility. Stay informed, be vigilant, and support a culture of safety and respect within the campus community.

Call us and we can help! Never hesitate to call security, whether it is an emergency (9-1-1 or 207-725-3500) or you're just locked out (207-725-3314).